Our Dog Family
Gia is an 18 lb AKC registered American Cocker Spaniel and a valued member of our family. She has been DNA tested and cleared with Embark. She is admired by many for her beautiful and shiny black coat. She is very athletic and loves playing with our grandchildren and other dogs. Friendly, very intelligent, and gentle, GIA's favorite times are spent cuddling on the couch with our family.
Dior is a handsome 20 lb AKC registered black Miniature Poodle. He has also been DNA tested and cleared with Embark! He is very playful and friendly and loves to run with stuffed animals in his mouth. He is a smart boy that enjoys attention from everyone, especially our grandchildren.
Nala is a very beautiful 42 lb AKC standard poodle with a cute curly coat. She is DNA tested and cleared with Embark. She is very calm and loving with our family. She is very intelligent, obedient and enjoys playing with other dogs and our grandchildren.
Bodie is a 68 lb F1 Goldendoodle that loves to play! He is energetic and has a very a sweet disposition. We expect our first set of F1B Goldendoodles during the Fall of 2024.